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Higher Self:

The higher self is a concept that can be found in various spiritual and philosophical traditions, and it often plays a central role in practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and personal development. Many people seek to connect with and align themselves with their higher self as a means of finding purpose, inner peace, and spiritual fulfillment.


The higher self is a transcendent aspect of an individual's consciousness, existing on a higher plane of existence than the everyday, ego-based self. It is often viewed as the true, authentic self, in contrast to the conditioned and ego-driven aspects of one's personality.


The higher self is believed to possess a deep and innate wisdom, offering clarity and insight into life's challenges, purpose, and spiritual growth. It is seen as a bridge or connection to the universal or cosmic consciousness, allowing individuals to tap into a broader understanding of existence. It is often associated with unconditional love, compassion, and empathy, serving as a source of support and guidance for the individual. It provides intuitive guidance and inner wisdom, assisting in decision-making and navigating life's complexities. The higher self is believed to be aligned with an individual's life purpose, helping them make choices and take actions that are in harmony with their soul's journey. It transcends the limitations of the ego, which is often driven by fear, desire, and attachment, and instead operates from a place of higher consciousness. The higher self is also a source of spiritual growth, encouraging individuals to evolve, expand their consciousness, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of all life and promotes a sense of oneness with the universe and all living beings.



Spirit Guides:

Spirit guides are believed to be non-physical entities or beings that provide guidance, support, and assistance to individuals on their life journey. These guides are often considered to be of a spiritual or metaphysical nature and can take on various forms, such as angels, departed loved ones, ascended masters, or other benevolent entities. They are thought to offer insights, protection, and inspiration to help individuals navigate life's challenges, make important decisions, and align with their life's purpose. People often seek to connect with their spirit guides through meditation, intuition, or other spiritual practices as a means of receiving wisdom and support on their path. Spirit guides are a common concept in various spiritual and religious traditions and are believed to serve as guardians and mentors in the metaphysical realm.


Akashic Records:

The Akashic Records, often referred to as the "Book of Life," represent a metaphysical concept that posits the existence of a comprehensive repository of all information, events, thoughts, emotions, and experiences throughout the history of the universe. The Akashic Records are thought to exist on a non-physical or ethereal plane, transcending the constraints of time and space. They are described as a cosmic or universal library that contains records of each soul's journey, actions, and experiences, spanning across all lifetimes and the vast expanse of the universe.


Accessing the Akashic Records is thought to offer profound insights into one's life path, purpose, and lessons, along with guidance for personal and spiritual growth. It is often intertwined with the concept of karma, as these records are believed to contain information about the consequences of actions and choices made in past lives. For those who adhere to this concept, exploring the Akashic Records is a tool for self-discovery, healing, and spiritual development.


Inner Child:

The concept of the "inner child" refers to a psychological and emotional aspect of one's personality that represents the childlike or youthful qualities, memories, and experiences from their past. It's not a literal or physical child, but rather a symbolic representation of one's early life and the emotions, needs, and vulnerabilities associated with it. The inner child embodies the vulnerability and sensitivity that people often experience during childhood. It carries the emotional wounds and fears from past experiences, which can impact a person's adult life. The inner child retains the sense of playfulness, curiosity, and imagination that is common in children. It can be a source of creativity, spontaneity, and joy in one's adult life. It holds the unmet emotional needs and desires from childhood, such as the need for love, acceptance, and validation. These unfulfilled needs can affect a person's relationships and behavior as adults. The inner child contains the emotional memories and experiences of childhood, both positive and negative. These memories can influence one's emotional reactions and triggers in adulthood. Recognizing and healing the inner child can be a part of personal growth and therapy. By acknowledging and addressing the emotional wounds and needs of the inner child, individuals can work towards emotional healing and self-acceptance. People often have an inner dialogue with their inner child, providing self-compassion and understanding. This can be a way to comfort and nurture the emotional aspects that still carry the pain of the past. Taking care of one's inner child involves self-compassion, self-soothing, and self-nurturing. Engaging in activities that bring joy and satisfaction can be a way of nurturing this inner aspect of oneself. The inner child may need a healthy outlet for emotional expression. This can include creative endeavors, journaling, or seeking emotional support from others. Working with the inner child is a therapeutic approach to addressing past traumas and emotional wounds. It can help individuals gain a better understanding of themselves and their behaviors. The goal of acknowledging and nurturing the inner child is to integrate these childlike aspects with one's adult self, allowing for greater emotional balance and well-being.


It's important to note that the concept of the inner child is often associated with therapeutic practices, particularly in the fields of psychotherapy, inner child work, and self-help. By acknowledging and tending to the needs and emotions of the inner child, individuals can work toward a more balanced and emotionally fulfilling life.


Soul Contract:

The notion of soul contracts involves the idea that before incarnating into the physical world, souls enter into agreements or contracts with other spiritual entities. These agreements are believed to shape life experiences, relationships, and personal growth. These pre-birth agreements are thought to encompass karmic connections, where souls interact to balance past actions and promote personal development. The contracts outline specific life lessons and themes that individuals are meant to learn in their lifetime. Relationships, both positive and challenging, are often considered part of these soul contracts, serving as opportunities for healing and transformation.


While soul contracts imply predetermined agreements, they also allow for free will. Individuals can make choices that might influence the course of their lives, potentially fulfilling or altering the original contract. The primary purpose of these contracts is seen as spiritual growth and evolution, with challenging experiences serving as opportunities for healing and progress.



Free Will:

In spiritual contexts, free will is often regarded as a profound and sacred aspect of human existence. It is perceived as a gift from the divine, providing individuals with the ability to make choices and decisions that are in alignment with their inner values and spiritual beliefs. This autonomy is seen as a reflection of the Creator's intention for humans to exercise self-determination and responsibility over their lives. Free will holds a pivotal role in the moral and ethical growth of individuals, offering them opportunities to choose actions that resonate with their spiritual principles, thus contributing to their moral and spiritual development.


Additionally, free will is viewed as integral to the journey of the soul. It is believed that the choices individuals make, guided by their free will, present opportunities for spiritual lessons and personal growth. This concept intersects with the notion of karma, where actions have consequences, and free will allows individuals to shape their own karmic paths through their choices and deeds. Additionally, free will can facilitate a connection with one's higher self or inner divinity, as conscious choices allow individuals to attune themselves to their inner wisdom and spiritual guidance.


Moreover, free will often leads individuals to select paths of service to others, prompting them to make compassionate and altruistic choices that support the welfare of all beings. It is recognized as an intricate balance between free will and destiny, with the former enabling individuals to navigate their predetermined paths while making choices that resonate with their spiritual values and beliefs. In summary, in the realm of spirituality, free will is cherished as an empowering force that supports individual growth, moral development, personal responsibility, and alignment with a greater spiritual purpose.


Council members

In the course of pre-life regression, I frequently encounter and engage in conversations with entities commonly referred to as The Council of Elders or Karmic Board. These spiritual beings step forward to assess an individual's progress in their current lifetime, often positioned behind the individual's Book of Life or Akashic Record, which serves as a comprehensive account of every lifetime.


Encountering one's Council is considered among the most profound, powerful, and sacred experiences in the Spirit World. The interaction with these spiritual guides evokes a sense of awe and deep respect, as they approach the individual with loving regard, recognizing them as a sacred being. During these encounters, the Council members assist in elucidating the details of the soul contract and provide insights into life's broader aspects. Furthermore, individuals have the opportunity to pose questions and engage in meaningful interactions with their Council, fostering a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey.


The Council serves as the platform where we delve into the crucial questions you bring for your Spirit World Regression. A designated spokesperson from the Council addresses you, but others may also engage in dialogue during this profound experience. Each Spirit World Regression is unique and often holds surprises. Interestingly, even before I have the chance to present your specific questions, the Council might already begin addressing them.


These highly evolved beings, radiating love and wisdom, play a pivotal role in bringing profound clarity to your identity and life purpose. They are dedicated to overseeing your soul and all your lifetimes, focusing on your spiritual welfare and growth. Their primary objective is to guide you in understanding yourself and navigating the important spiritual lessons inherent in your life experiences. The Council is readily available to offer assistance and insights, emphasizing that the more you grow, the less you suffer. Consider them your spiritual team, always accessible for guidance and support whenever you call upon them.




In Sanatan Dharma, commonly known as Hinduism, karma is a fundamental concept that refers to the law of cause and effect. According to this belief system, every action, thought, or intention has consequences, and individuals accumulate a store of karma based on their deeds. The Sanskrit word "karma" itself translates to "action" or "deed."


Sanatan Dharma teaches that one's current circumstances and future experiences are influenced by the sum total of their past actions, creating a cycle of cause and effect. Good actions result in positive karma, leading to favorable outcomes, while negative actions generate adverse karma, leading to challenges or hardships. The ultimate goal is to engage in righteous actions (dharma) and spiritual practices to accumulate positive karma, which can contribute to the soul's journey toward liberation or moksha – breaking free from the cycle of birth and death. The understanding of karma emphasizes personal responsibility and the idea that individuals shape their destinies through their actions and intentions.


Higher Self
Spirit Guides
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