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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Services for Past Life Regression Sessions and Tarot Card Readings


Effective Date: 02/11/2024


1. ** For Entertainment Only:**

-We believe that Tarot card readings offer a valuable opportunity to reflect on a situation from a distinctive viewpoint. However, it's crucial to note that Tarot card readings lack precision as an exact science.

-We advise against interpreting the insights too literally. Our service is designed solely for entertainment purposes.

-It is essential to exercise your discretion and practical judgment.

-The information provided through the service should not be considered a substitute for advice from legal, medical, financial professionals, or other professional counselors.


2. **Refusal of Service:**

-We retain the authority to decline service to any individual at our discretion. The service is intended for use by individuals aged 18 and above.

-Residents of jurisdictions where accessing the service is prohibited should refrain from doing so. It is your responsibility to confirm your eligibility for using the service.


3. **Recorded Past Life Regression Sessions:**

   - Sessions will be recorded for your personal use and may be shared on our social media platforms with your explicit consent.

   - We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and anonymity of participants in shared content. Personal details compromising confidentiality will be carefully edited or omitted.

   - Consent for social media sharing will be sought before sharing any content related to recorded sessions.

   - Participants have the right to provide or withdraw consent for the use of their recorded content on social media.


4. **Emailed Tarot Card Readings:**

   - Tarot card readings will be conducted and the results emailed to you within the specified time frame.

   - The readings are for entertainment and personal insight purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.

   - Your privacy is important to us, and the information shared during tarot card readings is treated with the utmost confidentiality.


5. **Consent for Social Media Sharing:**

   - Before sharing any content related to recorded sessions on social media, explicit consent will be sought from participants.

   - Participants have the right to grant or deny permission for the use of their session content on social media platforms.


6. **Use of Shared Content:**

   - Shared content on social media platforms will be kept for a reasonable duration, as determined by our content strategy.

   - Participants may request the removal of their content from social media platforms, and we will make reasonable efforts to comply.


7. **Client Rights:**

   - Participants have the right to access their recorded session content, request corrections, object to processing, and withdraw consent for social media sharing.

   - Participants may also request the removal of their content from our social media platforms.


8. **Data Security:**

   - We employ appropriate security measures to protect recorded session content and personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.


9. **Email Communication:**

   - By engaging in our services, you agree to receive email communication related to scheduling, session details, and other relevant information.

   - You may opt-out of marketing emails at any time.


10. **Not Professional Advice **

-The information presented via our service and in all materials we provide is solely for entertainment purposes.

- It is not intended to serve as a replacement for professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. It should not be considered a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, financial or investment guidance, or legal advice.

-Never postpone or ignore seeking professional counsel based on information obtained from the website or the service.


11. **Changes to Terms and Services:**

   - These terms and services may be updated periodically, and clients are encouraged to review them regularly. The effective date will be adjusted accordingly.


12. **Contact Us:**

   - For any inquiries or concerns regarding our Terms and Services, please contact us at

By participating in recorded past life regression sessions and emailed tarot card readings with us, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in these Terms and Services.

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