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Questions for Past Life Regression (PLR)

In the phase dedicated to meeting your guides and higher self, your questions will be used to seek guidance. It is essential to formulate questions that revolve around your personal experiences. I recommend you to focus inquiries on your own life rather than delving into the lives of others. Keep in mind that these questions are designed to deepen your understanding of your personal journey and experiences throughout the session. Make the most of this opportunity by seeking guidance on the most effective ways to bring about positive changes in your life. Below are some supportive questions to aid you in formulating your queries for the session, guiding your introspection.


  • What is the source of my soul's origin?

  • How can I broaden my self-awareness and personal growth?

  • How can I enhance my sense of connection with both myself and others to become a better version of myself?

  • What can I comprehend, release, or explore to gain a deeper understanding? How can I infuse spirituality into my daily life?

  • What represents my truth in the present moment? How can I bolster my self-trust?     

  • What self-realizations can lead to an improved sense of contentment with my life?

  • What lessons were intended for me in this lifetime, and have I learned them? If not, can I understand these lessons and virtues without suffering?

  • What are the current life lessons set for me, and am I actively learning them? If not, how can I embrace the process of learning?

  • What talents and abilities from past lifetimes can I tap into and develop in this lifetime with ease?

  • Can you provide insights into various aspects of my multidimensional self?

  • Are there any lingering resentments or fears from past lives that are impacting my present existence? Can these be healed?

  • Have I ever made soul-level vows or commitments in past lives that are currently influencing my present life? If they are not serving my current purpose, can we release them?

  • What are some cultures or experiences from previous lives that are shaping my current existence?

  • Can you help me understand the difference between authentically expressing my truth and imposing my beliefs on others to make them see my perspective?

  • Can you provide guidance on how to create the life I desire and be actively engaged in the present?

  • Can you teach me how to receive divine guidance that aligns with love and supports the creation of my desired life?

  • Is it possible for you to assist me in attuning to the energy of my desired future to help me achieve the life I aspire to?

  • Can you align my energetic frequency with financial abundance?

  • Can you help me connect with my inner truth and inner voice?

  • How many higher selves have I integrated throughout my existence since my creation?

  • What soul contracts am I currently fulfilling in this lifetime, and are there any that I should consider canceling?

  • Could you provide more information if I am a walk-in soul?

  • Are there any messages or insights from my future self?

  • What intentions did I set for my life's purpose, and can you help me align with it?

  • What specific actions can I take to remain on my path or transition into my purpose?

  • What should I steer clear of to avoid veering away from my life's mission?

  • How can I evolve into a conscious creator of my reality rather than an unconscious one?

  • Do you have any advice or guidance that could benefit me in my current life circumstances?

  • Are there any blind spots that would be beneficial for me to be aware of in order to align with my highest good?



  • What is the most effective way for me to resolve my karmic patterns without generating adverse karmic consequences that might impact my present life or future incarnations negatively?

  • What past life karmic imprints or unresolved matters should I address to advance on my spiritual journey?

  • What insights or emotional baggage related to the event in question can I gain or release in order to progress?

  • What is acting as an obstacle in my life, and how can I liberate myself from it?

  • What is the origin of the authority and influence behind my self-critical inner voice?



  • How can I make the necessary changes to attain peak physical health?

  • Could you perform a comprehensive examination of my body to identify any physical issues or hormonal imbalances? Are these issues treatable, and what might have caused them?

  • How can I approach my health goals?

  • Are there any nutritional deficiencies in my body, and if so, how can I address them or initiate healing today?

  • Do I possess unhelpful belief systems and thought patterns, and is it feasible to eliminate them?

  • Are there mental, physical, or emotional obstacles that could be hindering my overall progress, and can they be addressed and resolved?

  • Can you program my body to optimize its physical well-being?

  • Is there anything within my auric field that, if left unattended, might lead to health problems?

  • Are there any pent-up emotions within my body, and if so, where are they located? Can you facilitate their release?

  • Can you harmonize my vibrational frequency with qualities like victory, love, peace, and joy?

  • Are there any fears originating from this lifetime or past lifetimes that are impeding my advancement in this current life? Can they be dissolved?

  • Can you offer insights into any detrimental patterns that may be adversely affecting me?



  • What defines the nature of our relationship?

  • How can we mutually encourage personal growth within this relationship and on an individual level?

  • What insights, emotional baggage, or assistance can contribute to the enhancement of our relationship?

  • How can I make changes and let go of certain things to improve our relationship?

  • What is the authentic essence of my connection with my partner?

  • Are there any karmic aspects we should release together to foster greater harmony as a couple?

  • what type of connection is this relationship, soulmate, karmic, twin flames, kinder souls?

  • How can I best support my partner in xyz..

  • How can I show up more authentically in my relationship?

  • what does a happy and healthy relationship look like?

  • How can I best show up for my partner during her/his hard phase?

  •  Which main characteristics should I look for in a partner?

  •  What parts of myself do I need to work on in order to have a balanced relationship?

  • What is the most important lesson I need to learn from my (most recent) break-up?

  • What would be a good way for me to deepen the connection with my partner?

  • What is the biggest thing that is currently holding me back within my relationship?

  • What is causing the emotional blockage within my relationship?

  •  What is the reason that I am blocking myself from new love entering my life?

  • What can I do to finally move on?

  • What parts of myself do I need to work in order for my next relationship to serve me in the best possible way?

  • How can I be truer to myself within my relationship?

  • In what way can I connect more spiritually with my partner?

  • In what way am I self-sabotaging my relationships, and how can I prevent this in the future?

  • How can I best express my needs and desires to my partner without conflict?

  • What spiritual practices can I incorporate into my relationship for greater harmony?

  • What are the signs that I should trust my instincts about a potential partner?

  • What can I do to heal from past heartbreaks and open myself up to new love?

  •  What qualities should I look for in a partner to build a strong foundation for a family?

  • Are there karmic agreements or contracts from past lives that are affecting my relationships or life path now?



  • What was the reason behind my selection of parents?

  • Are there generational traumas within my family lineage, and is it possible to alleviate their impact?

  • Is there any ancestral or familial agreement from a previous lifetime that is influencing my current life, and should it be acknowledged or resolved?

  • Are there any unresolved issues or dynamics from past lives that are influencing my relationships with family members in this lifetime?

  • . Can we explore any karmic connections or lessons that I share with specific family members in my current life?

  • Are there any past-life experiences that have contributed to the strong bonds or challenges within my family unit today?

  •  Are there any past-life events that have created positive or negative imprints on the family dynamics I experience in this lifetime?

  •  How can understanding past-life experiences help me improve and strengthen my relationships with my family members in the present?

  • Are there any specific past-life lessons or experiences that are relevant to my role within my current family, and how can I use that knowledge for personal growth and healing?



  • What's the most effective way to establish a connection with my spirit guides?

  • Who are my guardian angels, and how can I establish a connection with them?

  • How can I enhance my intuition's strength?

  • Which Claires are particularly heightened in my case?

  • How can I discern if something represents a soul's calling for me?

  • Are there any negative energies or dark entities that I should be aware of?

  • Have I ever come close to the threshold of death, where I had the option to depart but chose to stay? What was the purpose behind that decision?

  • Are there any light code activations that I can receive to support my spiritual journey?

  • What is the most crucial insight I should focus on, work on, or look forward to in this lifetime?

  • What strategies can I employ to release unproductive vows of obedience, poverty, suffering, self-punishment, and similar commitments?

  • How can I address and heal day-to-day traumas to prevent them from accumulating and becoming more responsive than reactive?

  • In this current lifetime, what approaches can I adopt to express my innate gifts and talents?

  • What methods can I employ to break free when I feel stuck in any aspect of my life?

  • How can I find the path to forgiveness so I can release and move forward?

  • How can I forgive both others and myself?

  • Are there any significant spiritual experiences or practices from past lives that continue to influence my spiritual path in this lifetime?

  •  Can you help me identify and understand any spiritual gifts or abilities that I may have developed in previous incarnations that I may express in this life?

  • Are there any unresolved spiritual issues or conflicts from past lives that may be affecting my spiritual growth now?

  • How have my spiritual beliefs and practices evolved across different lifetimes, and are there recurring themes or patterns?

  •  Are there specific past-life connections with spiritual mentors or guides that could offer guidance in my present spiritual journey?

  •  Can we explore past-life experiences that have contributed to the development of my current spiritual mindset and worldview?

  •  How can understanding my past-life spiritual experiences assist me in overcoming obstacles and achieving greater spiritual alignment in this lifetime?

  • Can we uncover any past-life connections with places, rituals, or spiritual communities that may hold significance in my current spiritual exploration?



  • 1. Does my occupation resonate with my belief system?

  • Is my work or business in harmony with my life's purpose?

  •  What steps can I take to enhance my performance in my profession?

  • How can I adjust my beliefs and patterns to align with my life's purpose and enhance my professional life?

  • What strategies can I employ to boost the profitability of my business?

  •  If what I am currently doing is not aligned to my purpose, how can I align to it?

  •  Is my business partner in alignment with me and our business?

  • How can I attain work life balance?

  • Can you provide insights into any skills or talents from previous lives that may be relevant to my current career or business endeavors?

  • Are there past-life experiences that have contributed to my current work ethic, professional ambitions, or approach to business?

  •  Are there unresolved challenges or conflicts from past lives that could be impacting my success or satisfaction in my current career or business?

  • How have my career choices and business ventures evolved across different lifetimes, and are there patterns or lessons that continue to influence me?

  • Are there any limiting beliefs or fears related to success or failure that originated in previous incarnations?

  •  Are there past-life experiences that have contributed to my current entrepreneurial spirit or leadership qualities?

  • How can understanding my past-life work experiences assist me in making more informed decisions and achieving success in my current professional endeavors?

  •  Are there any past-life lessons related to abundance, wealth, or financial management that could provide guidance for my current business or career situation?

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