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What is past life regression (PLR)?

Past Life Regression (PLR) is a mild hypnotherapy technique that helps individuals journey back through time to their past lives or incarnations. By tapping into memories and experiences usually hidden in the subconscious mind, PLR gently guides people beyond the clamor of everyday thoughts. In today's busy and noisy world, these memories are often buried beneath the hustle and bustle of daily life. A PLR session offers a tranquil and serene space, making it much simpler to access the subconscious memories that lie within.

Past Life Regression (PLR) is a therapeutic or metaphysical technique that involves guiding an individual into a state of deep relaxation or hypnosis to access and explore what are believed to be memories from their past lives or incarnations. It is based on the belief in reincarnation, the idea that a person's soul can be reborn in different bodies over multiple lifetimes.



Hypnosis is a gentle alteration of awareness that unlocks the gateways to our inner selves. It is a therapeutic or altered state of consciousness in which an individual enters a relaxed and highly focused mental state. Despite the common misconceptions, individuals in a hypnotic state remain fully aware of their surroundings and maintain control over their actions, even though they may appear to be in a trance-like condition. It enables individuals to access their inner thoughts and experiences more readily. While in this altered state of consciousness, external distractions and stimuli become less prominent, allowing individuals to concentrate on a specific idea, image, or thought. Hypnosis also brings about a sense of calm and tranquility due to deep physical and mental relaxation, though individuals are not actually asleep.



Session Agenda:


In our session, we'll delve into your life concerns and your intentions for this meeting. Your personal information will be kept strictly confidential, so please feel free to be open and honest. The more I grasp the details of your journey, the more effectively I can assist you by conveying your questions to your higher self.


Hypnosis Induction:

Employing a range of gentle and personalized hypnotic techniques, we will begin with a hypnotic induction. This involves you closing your eyes and relaxing as I guide you verbally into a serene hypnotic state. We will take ample time to deepen this state for your benefit.


Past Life Regression:

I will lead you on an exploration of one to three of your past lives. During this process, you will perceive your past life body and surroundings. Together, we will delve into the living conditions, personal relationships, significant milestones, and experiences of that lifetime. We will also address any specific concerns you may have. Once our journey is complete, we will move to the final day. Here, you can detach from the body and transition into a higher state of awareness. This allows you to calmly and objectively observe or understand the process of death without any emotional attachment.


Meeting your higher self/and/or guide:

After the past life death experience, you will transition into a heightened spiritual awareness. From this elevated perspective, we will explore the purpose and significance of the past lifetime. We will also examine whether and how it might be influencing your present life.


Typically, at this stage, you may connect with your personal Spirit Guide. During this interaction, we will discuss the past life with your knowledgeable guide and explore how the previous lifetime has shaped your soul's growth. Additionally, you may receive pertinent information relevant to your current life.


Conclusion of Session:

The session will conclude organically, and we will transition back to the present moment. It's important to ensure you are fully rooted in the present before concluding, so I will assist you in grounding. We will also take a brief moment to review your regression experience and any messages you may have received.


Past Life Regression offers the potential to:

  1. Re-establish connections with experiences from previous lives.

  2. Gain insight into the reasons behind your profound connection to specific locations.

  3. Delve into your past life and current experiences with soulmates and divine counter parts.

  4. Identify any physical ailments you may be experiencing, which could be linked to past life events.

  5. Recognize and embrace the significant lessons learned from those past lives.

  6. Investigate lingering emotions that have carried over into your present life, resulting in unexplained fears or beliefs.

  7. Release emotions and wounds like grief, trauma, fear, guit, abandonment wounds, eating disorders etc.

  8. Guidance for improving the quality of this current lifetime may be provided.


Your Session:

The description provided above offers insight into a standard session experience, but it's important to emphasize that the Past Life Regression process is highly adaptable to cater to the unique needs of every client. Before initiating your session, we will have a conversation about your specific preferences and customize the process accordingly, including setting intentions. It's worth noting that the past life experiences that surface during the session may have relevance to your current life and its healing needs.


How to prepare for a PLR Session:

  • Refrain from smoking, using any substances, or consuming alcohol in the five days leading up to your session.

  • Opt for light, well-balanced meals for a minimum of two days, and consider avoiding meat if feasible.

  • Dedicate the day of your session to rest and relaxation. Engage in activities that bring you joy both before and after the session.

  • If feasible, consider starting a meditation routine upon scheduling your appointment.

  • Choose comfortable attire, preferably in light colors.

  • Ensure a restful night's sleep before your session and avoid excessive mental stimulation. 

  •  Your session will be recorded, and a copy of the audio recording will be sent to you. The recording rights are reserved, and I will seek your consent before sharing it.


What if I feel like I'm just making it up?
Imagination is the soul's method of communication with you! When delving into soul memories, this communication often manifests as what we perceive as imagination. Initially, it might seem like you're inventing it. However, as the session unfolds, we'll guide you deeper into your soul's memories, making them increasingly vivid and tangible.


Distinguishing past life regression memories from present life memories is crucial. Present life memories are stored in the brain through electro-chemical processes affecting neurons and physical traces. In contrast, soul memories originate not in the brain but in the soul—the immortal essence animating our bodies and minds. While these soul memories may feel less concrete than present life memories, they remain accessible for exploration, recollection, and application.


The proof, as the saying goes, is in the results. Trusting and acting upon the information gained in a regression session can lead to positive transformative changes within us, subsequently reflected in our real-life experiences.


Session Duration:

Please set aside 5 hours for this session. In the initial 2 hours, we will discuss significant life events, your values, beliefs, and the list of questions you have for your spirit guides and higher self. Following this, we will delve into a past life regression. The final hour will be dedicated to reviewing your experience, giving you clarity and discussing any messages received, and ensuring your well-being.


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