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Tarot Cards _ Crystals


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Tarot Card Deck


Welcome to our mystical haven, where the ancient arts of divination and spiritual exploration converge to illuminate the hidden corners of your soul's journey. At Bodh Tarot, I specialize in providing transformative experiences through the intricate tapestry of tarot card readings, past life regression, and the intriguing exploration of pre-life regression. Dive into the enigmatic world of tarot, where the cards hold the keys to unraveling your present and future. Embark on a profound journey into your past lives, unlocking the secrets that may shape your present existence. Moreover, we invite you to venture into the realms of pre-life regression, a unique odyssey that unveils the mysteries of existence before your current lifetime. Join me on this spiritual quest, where personalized insights and mystical revelations await to guide you on your path of self-discovery and enlightenment!!

Plastic Flower


Take a profound dive into the mysteries of your own existence with past life regression. Uncover the enigmatic tapestry of your past lives as you navigate through the corridors of time. Through this transformative experience, delve into the recesses of your soul and unravel the threads that connect your present to the echoes of the past. Allow past life regression to be a gateway to self-discovery, offering insights that resonate across the boundaries of time and space.

Zodiac Chart



Embark on a captivating journey into the realm of tarot, where each card holds a story and unveils mysteries. Delve into the world of symbols and insights, allowing the cards to guide you through a tapestry of self-discovery and revelation. Let the ancient art of tarot illuminate your path and offer glimpses into the hidden realms of the mind and spirit.

AA Metatron Healing

Embark on a transformative journey with our unique healing modality, which integrates the powerful energies of Archangel Metatron and the Violet Flame. Archangel Metatron, the angel of divine wisdom, offers profound insights and spiritual guidance, while the Violet Flame provides powerful purifying and transmutational energy. Together, these forces work harmoniously to clear emotional blockages, dissolve negative patterns, and elevate your spiritual awareness. This holistic approach facilitates deep inner healing, balances your energy field, and aligns you with your higher self. Embrace this dual-energy experience to unlock a new level of clarity, renewal, and personal growth, guided by the celestial wisdom and transformative power of these sacred forces.

Image by Kelly Sikkema


This service is designed to clear toxic and karmic energy, neutralize accumulated negative energy, and establish a harmonious flow of energy between individuals. It is applicable to a wide range of relationships, including intimate partnerships, parent-child dynamics, friendships, and professional interactions. By facilitating this energetic balance, the service aims to foster healthier, more positive connections between people, enhancing overall relational harmony.

Feminine Energy Healing

This is therapeutic approach that targets physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances tied to feminine energy. It benefits individuals with or without a physical womb by focusing on the sacral chakra and its role in creativity and emotional health.  By combining various methods, womb healing seeks to restore harmony to the mind, body, and spirit, making it an effective way to reconnect with feminine energy and clear emotional and energetic blockages.


Healing Through The 

We provide transformative healing through Akashic Record readings, offering profound clarity, insightful guidance, and a deeper understanding of your life's journey. The Akashic Records, also known as the "Book of Life," are a vast energetic database containing the collective wisdom and experiences of every soul across all lifetimes. By accessing this timeless reservoir of knowledge, our skilled practitioners help you uncover hidden aspects of your past, present, and potential future, exploring core issues, patterns, and lessons that shape your current life experiences.

Don't Miss Our Journals

Enhance Both Your Spiritual And Life Journey

Enhance both your spiritual and life journey with our curated journal collection. Let these journals become your guiding companions, fostering balance and a growth mindset. Suitable for both adults and children.

Cute Notebooks
Online Meditation

Embark on Your Journey of Discovery!

Enroll In Our Tarot Class Today!

Empower Your Intuition! Join Our Tarot Class for a Journey of Self-Discovery and Spiritual Mastery.

Fruit and Leaves

Know more about me

Krishma Pande

Welcome to my spiritual sanctuary! I am Krishma, a profoundly spiritual individual dedicated to the inner journey through various meditation modalities, including Kriya yoga and Patanjali’s ashtanga yoga, along with breathwork. The commencement of my spiritual exploration incorporates a mantra sadhana, grounding me and nurturing a profound connection with the divine, particularly with my ista-devatas Shree Ganesha and Maa Kali, along with the blessings of my ancestors.


In the transformative year of 2020, I underwent a profound spiritual awakening that illuminated my path. Although I have encountered various visions and expressed different gifts throughout my life, it was during this awakening that I wholeheartedly embraced this intrinsic aspect of myself.


As an intuitive tarot card reader, my focus lies in Vedic tarot card reading—a practice that blends wisdom from ancient astrologywith intuitive insights. My passion extends to tapping into the Akashic records, connecting with the inner child, and unraveling the threads of past lives through regression for my clients. Every meeting, whether with my own or my clients' spirit guides, higher self, elders, council members, ascended masters, and deities in this enriching journey, is evidence of the profound connection we all share.


Beyond the spiritual realm, I find solace and inspiration in the embrace of nature and the harmonies of music and dance. Join me on this exploration of the inner self, where intuition, ancient wisdom, and the beauty of existence converge. Together, let's navigate the realms of spirituality, gaining insights, and uncovering the magic that lies within. Welcome to a space of growth, enlightenment, and the celebration of the divine within each of us


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